Everyday Leadership: Fixing Stuff around Yourself :

Ahmed Murtuza Ali
5 min readApr 2, 2021


After completion of anybody’s studies, Everyone finds some rest that's needed after Hugh 16–17 years of the study period, either go for a country tour, enjoy his/her home city famous places, and some just try to rest n his/her bed fr the whole day, so same for mine, just meeting friends, enjoying the food, living life, Covid arises, peoples got stuck in-home, cant go for lunch and dinner and can't meet friends, So, to avoid boredom in houses, someone polishes his soft skills, while some clean their houses, etc., many leftover things pended to be amended and clean, got the attention and mended right away.

So, when Amal Academy gave me the task to amend or clean your surrounding, take this action on my own and do it without any reason, for making myself better doing somthing again and again; having humility, listening to others and satying motivative towards goals are some characteristics to have a leadership

Completing my comments on lectures and saw somethings that needed to be clean and be on their best places ,I was sitting in my drawing room, and its sort of mess

Seems like not a drawing room

I felt like setting up all the things really needs to put efforts. Its much frustrating that cushions were not on their place, chairs were placed at different places, and table position is not that where it should be. If any guest comeby so cleaning my drawing room will be so much panic condition for me. these small things are a reflection of yourself that how you keep your drawing room in what way, and to become a leader without authority, it doestn’t required label or any profile. If something around is a mess, just try to make it fixed

So first of all, I tried to wash and clean the dust which is on the carpet, that too much dust just lowering the beauty of the carpet

Too much dust

Just put off the dust by rubbing wet cloth on it and clean it by a vacuum cleaner

Looking better thn before

Beatutiful wallpaper that being gumed on the wall dispatches with time, so some part of it had dispatched

So, I took a tape, fixed it up, and now its be like gumed as before


Now, Its time to take the chairs, cusions and table to be on its places, there were some mess around the corner which needed to be swiped away

So, placing all the stuff on its right places and after swiping the unnecessary stuff

Finally all things are on its best places

After placing all the things on its right places, I felt so much relaxing and calm, watching the improved beautification of the room mesimerized me alot

The fallen flowers from the pot, The unshuffled books on my small book rack, That is not how they should be. While it didn’t take effort that these stuff needs to be fixed. So, taking the responsibility of fixing it myself, showing willingness of doing the Amal which is the primary principle of progress. stuffswhich is very needed for a leader without an authority showing his passion towards it

Setting the books in order and putting the flowers in the pot, So have a look

Finally fixing around all the small stuff, my drawing room representing like a beautifully decordated scenery :D

That’s the way drawing room should be, its stuff should be placved like thhis and it deserves to be. All I did that taking some initiative to do this. If you just start to do something, just that first step is the most step factor for anything, something good, so when you do this, you are already leading without any authority. By doing these leadership activity, I felt like a leader resides in me, I took that initiative, action and I felt much responsible on it, making it better for my own drawing room, which impacting the whole beauty of the house.

and Lastly, yeah, If this activity of taking initiative to amend whats near-by and taking the responsibility for it, I couldn’t be able to find my leadership without an authority, and I wouldnot have done it previously, Now, I feel that I can do and apply this skill to all of my working environement and to all the surrounding nearby me which is leading for myself


